Гравирана висока чаша за бира със столче.
Размери: височина: 190мм, вместимост: 385мл, гравируемо поле: 50мм/70мм
Стъклена чаша за бира, която може да бъде гравирана с кратко пожелание или име. Уникален персонализиран подарък, подходящ за сватбени и семейни събития. Спомен запечатан завинаги в стъкло. Всяка от чашите може да бъде освен сувенир и практичена посуда. Гравирана висока чаша за бира със столче е подарък за всеки и за всяка възраст.
Engraving is a process that creates a personalized souvenir and is irreversible, i.e. an already engraved inscription cannot be erased or obliterated. Each mug can be engraved on both sides. The idea is that the person holding it sees the inscription, and the company opposite him sees the second side. The engraving field of the cups is the field of view that is in front of you when you hold it, and it cannot be 100% filled. It is also necessary to leave a distance from the edge of the glass so that it does not interfere with consumption from it. The indicated price includes the engraving service of one of the sides.
If you want the cup you have chosen to be engraved on both sides, you need to indicate this in the order form, and it will automatically calculate the price.
You can view more similar glass products with engraved inscription HERE
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